Clifton Welch (pictured) and Robert Alden recently attended the public meeting held by Castle Vale Community Housing Association (CVCHA) at the Sanctuary to discuss the possibility of having a City Councillor and Ward dedicated to just Castle Vale.
Residents will recall that Clifton and Robert are already campaigning for Castle Vale to be given a proper voice on the City Council by having its own Councillor and Ward.
Dozens of residents attended the meeting to discuss the benefits that Castle Vale would gain from having it’s own City Councillor.
If Castle Vale is given it’s own Councillor and Ward it would mean:-
- Castle Vale would be the whole ward not a small part of a larger ward, this means residents wishes and needs could not be ignored by the City Councillor.
- A Castle Vale ward would still be part of Birmingham City Council and would still be able to engage with other parts of the City.
- It would make Castle Vale residents votes count for more. Currently Castle Vale voter are only 40% of the votes in Tyburn Ward. A Castle Vale ward would make them worth 100% of the ward.
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